Open to the public
April 30, 2024 at 6:30 PM
West Cumberland Recreation Hall
Welcome – Jan
Jan called the meeting to order at 6:33 PM.
In attendance: Jan,Ted, Janene, Cathay, Greg, Hilarie, Paula, Heidi, and Gino (via phone). There were no public members in attendance.
Secretary Report – Paula
Paula reshared the minutes from the last meeting in February. Ted made a motion to accept the minutes with two minor clerical issues resolved. Greg seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. Paula will forward them to Debbie to post on the FLA website.
Treasurer Report – Ted
Opening Balances 2/27/24
- Checking- $ 978.44
- Savings- $7,506.27
- CD- $5,000.00
- PayPal- 0.00
- Total Cash- $13,484.61
- none
- Interest on savings 0.60
Ending Balances 2/27/24
- Checking- $ 978.44
- Savings- $7506.87
- Total Cash- $13485.31
Upcoming expenses:
- D and O insurance – $700.00
- Annual Report $ 35.00
Ted gave the above report, noting that Deb generously paid for the Forest Lake Association website renewal fee as a donation. He also noted that D and O insurance stands for Directors and Officers.
Greg made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report; Heidi seconded the motion. All voted in favor.
Committee Reports:
Newsletter/Lake Historian: Debbie, Cathy, Heidi
Debbie reported that the committee has a good outline/draft already.
Heidi just finished interviewed and lake resident for a special intereststory on lake dipping. Cathy is working on story about hiking the new local trails.
Old Business:
Annual Meeting Planning: Jan
A speaker for the annual meeting is needed. Many ideas were
suggested. An EPA spokesperson, the new Cumberland town manager, local trail guides, the new game warden, a Wabenaki
speaker, … Discussion ensued and invitations need to be sent,
We need to reserve the church hall for the meeting. Ted will contact Pat about this.
Raffle items and food will be discussed at the next meeting.
Water Quality: Janene, Paula
Janene reported that the Dissolved Oxygen testing machine passed its annual test and she and Paula are ready to start testing for the season.
Greg will have his boat in water and offered to help when he can.
Plant Patrolling: Connor, Janene
Connor is working on it but was not able to attend tonight’s meeting, It was noted that he has his directive and that the FLA can fund a little if necessary.
New Business:
Laws affecting the lake
There are new Maine state safety laws that are going to affect lake residents. It was discussed and decided to make sure that the new laws are published in the newsletter and put on the Facebook page. Ted will meet with the game warden to discuss the ramification of the new wakeboarding law.
Janene reported on the upcoming Maine Lakes conference by the Lake Stewards of Maine and Maine lakes statewide. It is a whole day event and Janene and Cathy are going June 21st. Jan can provide scholarships for reimbursement with her discretionary funds.
Janene is on the planning board for them and is considering donating something for a silent auction item for that day.
New invasive bladderwort species
We’ll need to get more information on this.
- Lake buoys are going in soon according to Ted and Heidi.
- We still need a meeting spot for the June 25th meeting. Jan will secure one.
- The bylaws will need to change to reflect that we create one annual newsletter, Ted will word it for our next meeting.
- The term’s of Janene, Greg, and Deb expire this year.All of the alternates are up annually.
Ted made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Heidi seconded the motion. All voted in favor. The meeting adjourned at 7:16 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Paula Curcio
Upcoming Meeting Dates:
June 25, 2024 *location to be determined – West Cumberland Hall is not available
Annual Meeting July 20, 2024