Jan Lavallee, Paula Curcio, Don Hughes, Deb Hastings, Gino Sferra, and Cathy Whorf attended the meeting.
Call to order
Jan called the meeting to order at 6:34 PM. Welcome to new trustees! Our apologies to our new board members for not getting the invitation to this meeting. We’re looking forward to seeing you all at the November meeting.
Secretary Report
Jan took the minutes at the June meeting and read the draft. There were no comments or changes. Don made a motion to accept the minutes as read; Deb seconded the motion. All voted in favor.
Treasurer Report – 9/18/23
Account Balances as of 6/30/23
- Checking – $354.64
- Savings – $5004.60
- CD – $5000.00 4% matures 9/16/2024
- Total cash – $10,359.24
- Dues $812.31
- Raffle and contributions $220.00
- Total Income $1032.31
- Hall Rental -$50.00
- Office -$58.72
- Brochure Printing -$146.65
- Total Expenses -$255.37
Current Balances
- Checking $1107.52
- Savings $5005.02
- CD $5000.00
- Paypal $23.64
- Total Cash $11,136.18
Anticipated Income – $2500.00 Town of Gray Grant
Anticipated Expenses – Dues to Lake Stewards And Maine Lakes – $200.00
Debbie made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report as reported; Gino seconded the motion. All voted in favor.
Committee Reports
- Newsletter We revisited the discussion regarding advertising in the newsletter. Questions and comments included: We would need more space but then prices for printing and mailing would go up. What would we get out of it?Could it have longer features? Can we just have members advertise? Does it preserve the lake and aid our mission statement? The topic was tabled.
- Dues Structure A recommendation was made to revisit dues structure after any new programming is presented. Do we need the additional money if dues increase? What are we using the dues for? This agenda item is tabled for the next meeting.
Old Business
- Welcome packets are ready and in accordance to the stipulations of the grant. More information can be added to them if the need arises. in accordance with the grantMore information may be added to the packets if deen
- Report on Annual Meeting-Paula read the minutes from the annual meeting. The list of trustees and alternates was confirmed. This agenda item is tabled for final confirmation at the next meeting.
- Water Quality update- Paula reported that the dissolved oxygen levels and Secchi disc readings have been consistent. There have been no alarming changes. The last testing is in September and then Janene sends in the paperwork to Lake Stewards of Maine.
New Business
- Lake Smart membership and program We have been members in the past. We have given donations in the past. Donation membership could be costly. We will post on Facebook to see if there is interest in spearheading. Will be talking about LakeSmart and will go on Zoom. Perhaps a Lake Smart committee will need to be formed.
Set Meeting Dates for the Year
The following dates were agreed upon by the members in attendance:
- November 28, 2023 public
- February 27, 2024 online
- April 30, 2024 public
- June 25, 2024
- July 20, 2024 annual
Debbie made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Jan seconded the motion. All voted in favor. The meeting adjourned at 7:37 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Paula Curcio