Last Monday evening, the Windham Planning Board agenda included the Item PB 18-024 described as follows:
18-08 Quarry Development: Major site plan sketch plan. Request review of a 106 acre mineral extraction operation. The subject properties are located on Lakeside Drive and identified on Tax Map: 17 Lots: 13, 14, 14A, 15, 17, 18, 19, and 26, Zone: Farm (F).
Click here for additional details on ITEM PB 18-024
A number of Forest Lake residents with an interest in protecting water quality and the adjacent undeveloped lands attended the meeting to learn more about this project and/or to voice their questions or concerns.
This group of citizens – now identified as “Friends of Forest Lake” – has coalesced and is beginning to formulate a strategy to thwart the approval of this quarry project. An organizational meeting has been set, and we hope that you can attend to lend your voice!
Saturday, March 31, 2018
West Cumberland Methodist Church Hall
Blackstrap Road
Cumberland, ME