Forest Lake Association
Trustee Meeting
Public Welcome to Attend
September 21, 2021 at 6:30 PM
West Cumberland Community Building
Board members in attendance
Janene, Jan, Gino, Greg, Paula, John, Don (alternate), and Heidi (alternate)
Janene started the meeting at 6:30 PM by welcoming the 8 residents in attendance. Each person introduced themselves.
Secretary Report
Paula reviewed the minutes from the last meeting. Paula read the minutes, revised, and clarified many parts. Greg made a motion to accept the minutes. Gino seconded. All voted in favor.
Treasurer Report
Greg gave the report for Ellie who was not able to attend. Similar figures to last meeting. Current adjusted balance $17,100. Liquid bank around $10-13,000.
Of the $1342 recently deposited about $1200 were in the form of dues.
Gino made a motion to accept the report. John seconded the motion. All voted in favor.
Forest Lake Dam discussion
(no decision will be made at this meeting due to pending legal questions and DEP regulations)
Don gave some history (which is also found on the website. The dam is not set up to regulate the water. The dam is all good. If we take up one board 8 inches high Don said it would take a month for the water to lower an inch.
Larry added that the dam was built off the Topo survey and based on the Maine Turnpike maps He also said that the dam wasn’t built to raise and level.
History of the dam was discussed and there is a timeline on the Forest Lake website. Would need to reconstruct the dam. The dam is on Don’s property. He does not want to be liable and would need an easement.
General discussion regarding registration of dams (which doesn’t need to happen anymore), the depth and temperature of the lake, effects from hurricanes, and specific erosion sites.
As president of the Board, Janene stated that the FLA is in stewardship of the dam.
Don has an inspection report for the dam. At the time of the inspection 17 years ago, the FLA paid for half and the state paid for half. It does not need to be inspected again.
Heidi made a motion to define the next steps. Paula seconded. Discussion continued. We need to gather more info, define the role of stewardship, Structural , stewardship, liability and accessibility. All voted in favor.
The dam maintenance plan will not need a permit if something breaks.
Don made a motion to form a dam action committee; Greg seconded it. All voted in favor.
The FLA will not lower the lake this year. We also need the CSW to investigate the west side of the lake for erosion issues.
No Wake buoys information
Janene thanked Heidi and Bob Joy for taking charge of putting the buoys in and out.
Forest Lake Association is in charge of the buoys, not the warden or the IFW. There was conflicting information from a resident at the annual meeting. The State is responsible for where the buoys are located, not for actually putting them in.
Gray waterfront ordinance change (new point system)
Dennis Brown is trying to get the point system passed in Gray. On Oct 19th he will be presenting this information to the town of Gray. The FLA will post in website and social media.
Assistant Treasurer
Ellie will need to phase out of being the treasurer. We think Ted will take over. We will discuss and finalize at the next meeting when Ted is in attendance.
Getting more volunteers into IPP (Invasive Plant Patrol) and DO (Dissolved Oxygen) secchi testing
Still in need of volunteers. Paula volunteered to do the testing next summer. Refer to the Lake Stewards of Maine website to find classes. Paula will renew her certification. Don will help.
Karen is heading up the plant patrol.
2022 project goals
- If there is an issue and someone brings it to the boards attention we will try to follow up on it
- Septic system dating
- Sponsors for the newsletter to offset the cost
- New residence pamphlet is being updated
- Question was asked about bathing in lake
- Dues upgrade
- Dam committee
A question from a resident was asked: Can the water ski course be removed? Larry has a dive team that can look into that.
2022 meeting dates
November 16th at 6:30.
Jan made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:58. Gino second; all voted in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Paula Curcio