West Cumberland Methodist Church Hall
Blackstrap Road, Cumberland, ME
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
7PM – 9PM
Trustees: John & Janene Gorham, Jon & Debi Curry, Paula Curcio, Ted Ney (alt), Barb Tellefson, Greg & Ellie Schulz, Kim Higgins, Liz Hamilton, Fred Wolff (alt)
Others: Cathy Whorf, Denise Tanguay, Regan Thibideau, Meg Eddy, Jennifer Culpovich, Tina LeBlanc, Megan [interpreter],
Secretary’s Report – Review of minutes from previous meeting – Debi read minutes from previous meeting
Treasurer’s report – Approx $9,300 in FLA account.
Ellie asks about how expense for boat was approved. She did not know about it until she received a bill. Greg says we don’t currently have a “process” for approving expenses. Dave/Ed received the boat as a donation. Ellie asks about any liability to the FLA if there is a problem/accident with the boat.
Ted makes a motion to approve the expense of $300 for the work on the boat. Seconded and approved.
Ted follows up with motion to have those operating the boat retain ownership and sign
a waiver releasing FLA of any liability arising from the use of the boat for FLA business. Seconded and approved.
Reagan discusses need for insurance. Discussion to be added to next meeting.
Old Business
Watershed protection plan update – Janene updated on CCSWCD work with FLA to work on the conservation plan as defined by CCSWCD. Final plan not yet published online but will be published soon.
CCSWCD prepared list of top priority sites and discussed how these sites may be addressed with either Windham grant of $6000 [to be applied towards road improvements on top impact site(s) or a potential 319 grant which can help with other sites.
CCSWCD has submitted a contract for FLA approval that would be $3000 cost to FLA for engineering, design, etc. Discussion of this cost and whether this work might be handled elsewhere for lower cost? Greg suggests that we perhaps meet with the responsible road association(s).
Kim relayed that Lakeside Drive Association does work annually; their recent trustees meeting identified required maintenance work. Perhaps there is overlap? Potential to leverage LDA work with Windham funding?
Janene will be taking photos to send to Heather re: sites already identified.
Greg suggests that we also meet with the road association to be sure that funds are applied without overlap.
Ted moves to hold off decision on CCSWCD contract pending a meeting with Road Associations. Debi seconds. Passed.
Windham Grant award to FLA [This discussion was grouped with discussion about CCSWCD contract]
Janene opened discussion as to Copp family ownership of property that road passes through. Some debris removed from the brook, but still a mess. Janene will contact Randy to request additional work be done.
Kim described some known issues with road that were not identified in the watershed survey because they were not issues at the time.
Reagan mentioned 15 large dump truck on road today; more discussion re: road condition and corrective actions.
Janene requests names/contact information for road associations and mentions the workshop to be held 23 May with invite open to Forest Lake road associations.
New Business
Annual meeting discussion -date, plans for program, election of new trustees, officers
- Suggest Date of 21 July for Annual Meeting at the church hall like usual. Solicit for raffle items; last year raffle was about $300. FLA Trustees to meet again to set agenda.
- Watershed Protection Plan will be on agenda.
- Trustees and alternates will be elected at the annual meeting.
Relationship between FLA and FOFL, boundaries, interactions, emails, etc.
Janene opens the floor for discussion about the FLA & FOFL relationship, with an expection that each person limit their comments to 3 minutes.
Following discussion, Ted motioned to form a Liaison Committee with two FLA trustees and three at large FLA members. Seconded and approved. Ted Ney & Paula Curcio volunteered to serve on the subcommittee. FOFL will nominate at large members for committee.
Next meeting scheduled for June 6, 2018 with plan to set agenda for annual meeting.