Board of Trustees Meeting
Attending: John & Janene Gorham, Jon & Debi Curry, Ted Ney, Paula Curcio, Greg & Ellie Schulz
Minutes Review – Available for review online
Treasurer’s Report: postponed until next meeting – $15306 prior to reconciliation. Of this, $6,000 is the Windham Grant which will be payable to CCSWCD & out to projects.
Old Business
- Liaison Committee Update – Ted
Initial committee meeting with full committee and alternates. Three community members have applied to be on the Mineral Extraction Committee; appointments expected by mid-June. FOFL Facebook page has been “cleaned up” and will direct folks to the FLA Facebook group. - VLMP Invasive Plant Patrolers – Janene. Paula has joined group. Janene & John have begun testing for the 2018 season. Levels tested very low. Ed Keenan met with entire group last August, but has since resigned from these activities. Need to work towards finding volunteers for patrolling; most individual patrolers have been submitting their own reports per John. A coordinator for the Plant Patrolers would be helpful. Will discuss at Annual Meeting.
- Annual Meeting
Elections, Auction, Food, Program
Guest Speaker??
Janene will send Debi an agenda for the Annual Meeting [
Raffle would need to get donations for raffle… add this to the newsletter to request
New Business
- Bylaws update and review discussion – Debi
Debi reviewed the proposed bylaws amendments; Board further discussed the discretionary funds and refined the language for this section. Amendments ready for review/approval by membership at annual meeting. - Dam – Ted discussed his conversation with the State Dam inspector. the Forest Lake Dam is less than the minimum size required to be considered a threat to the public and therefor does not need to be inspected on a regular basis. Because of this, we don’t need general liability insurance to cover the dam at the north end.
- FLA Insurance – Ted quotes approx. $700-$800 per year to get insurance to cover trustees, officers, and any members of committees. Greg suggests that we check with other lake associations as to whether they carry insurance and if so, how much. Discussion tabled until next meeting.
- Ted says that we require 501(c)3 status in order to maintain non-profit status. Cost is $275 one-time fee. Janene makes a motion that we get 501(c)3 status; Paula seconds the motion.
Greg says that most members may be unaware that we are not a 501(c)3. Additional discussion. Once this is done, Ted is concerned that they may look back at our records from prior years.
Approved. - Release of Liability form – Ted has crafted a form to release FLA from liability to be signed by those doing volunteer work for FLA. Discussion about verbiage. Question about why trustees are not included in volunteers who need to sign the form prior to doing work with FLA. Ted will update and make needed corrections.
- Marketing Outreach to increase membership. Discussion about how FLA is perceived and how we must continue with consistent messaging to the contrary.
- Water Source Survey – Debi discussed the origin of the domestic water survey and the reason for it. Will send out to the community to collect data. Motion to complete the water source survey approved.
Next Meeting Date – To discuss Annual Meeting and agenda.
Wed 27 Jun 6:30 PM at Fire Station