Forest Lake Association Annual Meeting
West Cumberland Methodist Church Hall
July 16, 2011.
Highlights of the meeting included:
Water Quality Report—Bob Heyner.
- On July 7, 2011 Secchi disc reading 5.3 meters= about 15 feet
- Water temperature 25.5 C = 80 deg F at surface
- 2 degrees at 8 meters = 24 feet
- Lake is in good shape.
- PH or e coli readings not yet done.
- Acceptable e coli reading is 194 ppb; we are at 10 ppb but Bob still advises do not drink lake water.
- Oxygen @ 8 meters or 24 ft. = 0
- Fish: Jim Gameros reported finding yellow perch, bass, pickerel, catfish, eels, possibly brook trout. State does not stock with trout as there is no public access. Water temperature may also be too warm.
- Ed Keenan and Bob Heyner have been doing the testing. Volunteers are needed. Requires short training and every 2 year certification. Bob and Ed were just recertified. Suggestion was made that a competition for children would be one way get children and parents involved. Could be put in newsletter.
Pie Auction
We raised a total $ 146.
Thanks to Nancy Heyner for her lively auctioneer abilities!
Forest Lake Website
Jim Gameros opened discussion of whether to keep site up and active. Has been down since March. Few users visit site, no one has been sending in pictures, not user friendly.
Recommendations by members: Keep bulletin board up to post announcements, improve functionality, Blog site with new format, put on Facebook. One member felt that all news was not well publicized and only certain few were in the know about association. Felt all information needs to be made available to all members of association. Suggested we re-launch website with easier accessibility. More discussion ensued regarding solutions. Requested volunteers, webmaster to take responsibility.
Plant Patrol
Forest Lake has the most patrols on one lake in the state, 13. Need for more volunteers to patrol west side of lake. New members welcome. 104 hours of patrolling logged for this last year. Encouraged to call any plant patroller with any suspicious plants found in lake. Lake diagram with landmarks passed out. Jim Gameros reported on milfoil : We have native type , waxes and wanes every 3 years, normal cycle. State has evaluated twice. Colonies at south rock have died back 99%. August rock new plants are low, adult plants gone. Milfoil plants are still present but lower, no new tall growth. Bouys have helped to keep boats and motors from disseminating it. Greg suggested a community sign up sheet on web site to post findings.
Lake Safety
Ed Keenan reported on success of 7 years of counterclockwise direction for boating. No accidents so far. Ed has been active in encouraging boaters to respect safety of others and abide by state’s and lake rules. Reviewed state law headway speed only within 200 ft of shore. Four headway speed only (NO WAKE) bouys are located on lake in narrow areas. Wakes destroy shoreline. Some boaters continue to enter coves at high speed. Anonymous phone line available to report hazardous boaters. Submerged floats, old jet ski remain along south shore. Stickers are available to place on boats, docks, etc. for identification if lost. Contact Ed for more information.
Anonymous Boating Regulation Violations
July 4th boat parade was success again this year.
Dam: sluice was repaired by Jim Gameros and Don Hughes.Frame is made of stainless steel donated by Bob Tellefsen, good for 10 -15 years.
Also suggestion was made for inspection of lake roads. Work with road associations to improve roads. Public easement on private road. Town can stop plowing if road is not accessible
FLA by-law changes:
Article 4: trustee attendance. Trustee will be dismissed if misses 3 meetings in 12 month period.
Article 5: nominating will take place last meeting prior to annual meeting. Trustees will select members to run.
Article 7: “such as” president and any 3 trustees.
Article 9: Standing committee “can be.”
Changes were voted on and approved
Nancy Heyner has resigned as secretary.
Karen Hall has resigned as president because of health issues related to Adult Onset Still’s Disease.
One trustee and one alternate trustee position are open.
Greg Shultz reviewed time commitment required. New people were strongly encouraged to volunteer.
Alternates attend meetings but do not vote unless regular trustee is not at meeting to make quorum.
Five year commitment.
Meet November, January, March , June. Monday nights at this church hall.
Barbara Tellefsen elected as trustee; Neil Weimer elected as alternate trustee.
Voted on and accepted.
Officers: must already be in a trustee position.
Officers voted on and accepted.
New officers
President : Jim Gameros
Vice President: Ed Keenan
Secretary: Janene Gorham
Treasurer: Ralph Ludington