Forest Lake Association Trustee Meeting
February 27, 2024
6:30 PM
Online (google meets) – open to public
Welcome, Setting online meeting norms, Introductions
Jan Lavallee welcomed online participants-board members and the public. They included Paula C., Andy L., Cathy W., Debbie H., Heidi J., Hilarie F. K., Don H., Connor H., Janene G., Tina L., Denise T., and Antonio R..
After introductions, she then set the meeting norms: start on time, be efficient, raise hand, and keep yourself muted when not speaking.
February 27, 2024
Paula read the minutes to the November 29, 2023 meeting. Antonio made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Heidi seconded the motion. All voting members voted in favor.
February 27, 2024
The following is the report submitted by Ted in absentia.
Opening Balances 11/29/23
Checking- $3,728.41
Savings- $5,005.44
CD- $5,000.00
PayPal- $ 0.00
Total Cash- $13,733.85
Contributions –
Me. Lakes $150.00
Lake Stewards of Me. $100.00
Total $250.00
Interest on savings $0.76
Ending Balances 2/27/24
Checking- $ 978.44
Savings- $7,506.27
CD- $5,000.00
Total Cash- $13,484.61
No upcoming expenses
Paula made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report as read; Jan seconded the motion. It was determined to table voting on the report until the next meeting.
Committee Reports
Newsletter/Lake Historian: Debbie, Cathy, and Heidi
Debbie reported that the committee members are gathering ideas on human interest stories. They are trying to make it year round news. Topics they are considering include an obituary for Dr. Bob McAfee-a long time lake resident who recently passed away in December- and winter lake swimmers and plungers.
Old Business:
- Welcome Packets: Jan
They are available and she will get more out, as they have plenty. There was discussion about adding last year’s meeting minutes. No determination was made.
- Water Quality: Janene and Paula
Water testing is on hold until the late spring. Janene follows the reports and newsletters sent by the different lake organizations, including Lake stewards of Maine.
- Plant Patrolling: Connor and Janene
Connor gave a presentation with a visual graphic on this topic. It reviewed an overview of his plan for heading up the patrolling efforts.
New Business:
- Annual Meeting Planning: Jan
We discussed possible speakers for the meeting. Bill Shane, the town manager for Cumberland was a suggestion due to the potential developments in West Cumberland.
We also need to do a septic tank survey.
Jan will look into getting the West Cumberland town hall to hold the meeting.
- Discussion ensued about the proposed development in Cumberland
It includes a gas station with a Rusty Lantern store, a bank, a rotary, and a housing development off Blackstrap Rd..
Antonio stated that we need to know our rights and the environmental impact on the lake. It was noted that none of these fall into the Forest Lake watershed. A question that begs to be answered is, how does Maine grow yet preserve its land?
The lake association wants the lake public to be informed. There is a West Cumberland Community Facebook page that people may want to join to become more informed. Jan will follow up.
- It was suggested that a sympathy card be sent to the family of Rick Higgins, as Kim is a dear steward of the lake.
Paula made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Cathy seconded the motion. All voted in favor. The meeting adjourned at 7:33 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Paula Curcio
Recording Secretary
Upcoming Meeting Dates:
April 30, 2024 (open to public) at West Cumberland Community Hall
June 25, 2024
July 20, 2024 Annual Meeting