Forest Lake Association Board Meeting
February 11, 2020
Cumberland Fire Dept. Community Room
Public Meeting
Call to order at 6:34 PM by Janene
Present: Janene, John, Ellie, Greg, Jan, Antonia, Brianna, Debbie (virtually) and Cathy Whorf (a member of the public)
Secretary Report: Paula
Paula read the minutes from the prior meeting. No changes were made. Greg made a motion to accept; Jan seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer Report: Ellie
Reconciled bank balance at 12/31/19 = $15,992.58
- FLA funds = $11, 786.15
- Watershed Survey = $4,206.43
- Detailed expenses available from Ellie.
- We did gross $380 for the Halloween fundraiser but still need to factor expenses
John made a motion to accept; Greg seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Old Business:
Halloween fundraiser report
- Everyone worked hard. There was a good turnout for a first event.
- Jan suggested possibly gearing toward teenagers next year.
- Things against us this year included: parking, field events/games, it was a gorgeous day
- Greg noted that people who went had a great time.
- Ellie said there is need to get the word out sooner.
- Antonio reminded us that It takes time to get people involved
- It was agreed that we will do it again.
Lakeside Drive road repairs
- $14,000 was paid out
- Four high impact sites needed to be fixed and now are.
- There are still two sites at the end of James Way and Cypress that still need attention and will be priority for next year.
- There is the $4200 left from the watershed and it’s a matching grant still available
- Ellie still needS to see the $14,000 invoices.
DEP grant update, NEED volunteers for Watershed Planning committee
- Did receive money, about $32,000, which will be used for the Gray high impact sites.
- So far the volunteers are Greg, Ted, and Janene. Could use more.
- Need to sit down with Heather in the spring to see oversight.
Civic Affairs Committee: Brianna
Brianna provided an update by reporting that the committee is continuing to monitor ongoing and future developments.
New Business:
Lake Monitoring update, volunteer needed
- Jan and John are certified monitors and Paula is for Secchi only. Dissolved Oxygen classes are held in Auburn.
- We need more volunteers.
- Janene did a plant paddle with Lake Stewards of Maine.
Lake Stewards of Maine / new invasive millfoil infestation
- It is a privately funded organization that collects data.
- A large lake in northern Maine found this new invasive milfoil infestation and will monitor this summer up there.
Friends of Forest Lake Facebook
- It is more geared toward the civic affair committee,
- Discussed its need and potential merge in the future.
- One is a page and one is a group.
- Briana made a motion to hold off on merging the pages, Greg seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Dues structure:
- Janene and Jan mentioned that nearby lakes have different structures.
- Greg made a motion to table the discussion. Paula seconded it. The motion passed unanimously.
- It is all set up and working. Debbie will be added.
Adjournment: Jan made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Antonio seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Next meeting date: April 14, 2020
Respectfully submitted,
Paula Curcio