FLA Trustee Meeting
April 4, 2022
West Cumberland Community Hall
The meeting started at 6:35 due to setting up downstairs under the Karate Kids class upstairs.
In attendance: Janene, Jan, Paula, Gino, Greg, Don, John, Antonio, Ted, Kim, and Heidi.
Secretary Report
Paula presented the minutes. Minor revisions were made. Jan made a motion to pass the minutes. Ted seconded the motion. All voted in favor.
Treasurer Report: Ted
Ted reported that currently there is $12, 332.78 in the budget
A pending expense is to Cumberland County for $1500 due sometime this year.
It costs $150 to file the annual state corporate filing report. The report itself costs $35. Ted suggested it’s worth discussing further and perhaps make the filing part of the board’s agenda and the treasurer’s responsibility. We could use the $150 elsewhere if we don’t use a lawyer. Janene made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Kim seconded the motion. All voted in favor.
Lake water levels committee
Don reported that the dam has been working fine since 1997. It’s on part of his land.
Kim added some history about no damage with the old dam. It’s causing damage to some owners’ land. Don will check on this erosion issue and talk to Heather about mediation options.
Old Business:
Welcome packets are one of the last parts of the grant that need to be completed.
Jan proposed that we include magnets in the welcome packets. Jan will talk with Debbie to create it.
Gray groundwater ordinance
Dennis Brown is asking Gray to include the phosphorus and soil erosion point system in the ordinance.
A board position is available.as the board has accepted Ellie’s resignation. Ted made a motion to vote for Heidi Joy to take over this position., Gino seconded the motion. All voted in favor.
Follow up– We need to talk with Gray town councilperson Anne Gass to see about the money from Gray that the town used to give the Lake Association. We need a formal request. Ted will follow up. A question came up: “Can we ask the other towns for money?”
Follow up– still waiting for ground to unfreeze to follow up with septic issue that was mentioned in the last minutes. We must see it in the lake and test positive for e coli to act on it.
Goals for 2022
- New President to take over this July
Jan has the support of the board with Janene as a resource. That will be decided at the annual meeting.
- Sharing resources with other lake associations
Southern Maine Lake Coalition: Little Sebago, Highland, Sabbathday Lake
Janene is getting info about it
- Concentrate on updating dues schedule / ideas
Will want to focus on this.
What are we collecting dues for? Messaging is important at the annual meeting. We need to explain. Incentivize with offering Forest Lake bags.
Discuss with Debbie about a possible online retail store and still keep our non-profit status.
Discuss with Debbie and Ellie about a current member list and excel spreadsheet
Ted will prepare a budget before the next meeting.
Gino will focus on prices for mitigation of milfoil and dam assessment and prevention and property values. Is there a best practice for budget?
ad hoc committees needed
- Job tasks
- Obtain space for FLA meetings, Cumberland town office , rec center (WC hall , white building )Call town office, get key, return key
- Make and circulate meeting agendas
- Coordinate FLA with CCSWD, welcome packets
- Communication with 3 towns
Go to town meetings
- Write and facilitate grants
- Coordinate FLA annual meeting, food, space, speakers, donations for 50/50
- Create annual meeting agenda
- Create newsletter articles
Debbie, Heidi, Cathy, and Liz
- Conduct water testing DO and Secchi reading
Obtaining, maintaining equipment for water testing, ordering chemicals, getting annual DO meter check sending paperwork to LSM
- Surveying invasive plant
Need to report to the Lake Association board. Karen was the most recent leader of this.
At 7:53 Jan made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Greg seconded the motion. All approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Paula Curcio