FLA Trustee Meeting MINUTES
November 29, 2022
6:30 PM
West Cumberland Community Hall
Opening: Jan
In attendance: Jan, Ted, Gino, Paula, Cathy, Greg, John, Janene and Don
No members of the public were present.
Jan called the meeting to order at 6:32 PM.
Secretary Report: Paula
Paula shared the minutes from the September 20th meeting. A slight revision in the budget terminology was made for clarification purposes.
Ted made a motion to accept these minutes; Don seconded the motion. All voted in favor.
Treasurer Report: Ted
$11, 755.16 is our current balance.
Since the last meeting we had to pay $1,500 to CCSW.
We also paid $100 in dues to the Lake Stewards of Maine.
Copies of The Lake Book were purchased at $6 each for the trustees in order for them to stay informed on lake issues.
No other expenses are in the near future.
Don made a motion to accept this treasurer report; Greg seconded the motion. All voted in favor.
Committee Reports:
- Newsletter committee – The committee is all set and will get back together in the spring.
- Dam committee- Don reported that rain this fall delayed the installation of riprap. The CCSW was going to fund this $250 project. We will now need to wait until the spring to tackle this project.
- Special projects- Janene reported information that she gleaned from meeting with the other lake associations which included calling dues contributions or donations instead of dues, endowment funds, scholarship funds and online merchandise for sale.
Dues structure should be our priority by our April meeting. Janene and Gino head up this committee.
Old business:
- Information packets (welcome packet) need to be finalized . They are part of an old grant headed by Heather Hunt of the CCSW.
Ted mentioned that Lake Smart has a lot of free brochures to include in the packet. We still need a welcome letter included in it.
The concept is when someone moves in we give them information about the lake.
The committee will determine what is going to be included in the packet.
- Watershed signs- the last one was installed this fall by Paula and her husband so we are all set now.
- Plant Patrollers- Lake Stewards of Maine did not send forms this year for recording data. There has been a change in personnel there. Tristan is the contact person now. Plant Patrollers is a separate but important part of our lake association. Don will follow up with Karen to make sure that data is still collected.
New Business:
The town of Gray community grant funding is expecting a letter from us for their annual donation. Ted needs to get a letter to them for next year’s donation.
Lake Smart is a statewide program, funded by the DEP. They will train volunteers and award Lake Smart properties, among other things. We hope to have the executive director of Lake Smart speak at the annual meeting. Ted will follow up with them. This is their website: https://www.lakes.me/lakesmart
Paula mentioned an informational item regarding the signs posted on Lakeside Drive in Windham alerting residents about plowing next year.
Gino mentioned that Antonio is interested in creating a fun activity regarding ice out. Discussion was tabled to the next meeting, which will be February 28th.
Ted made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Gino seconded the motion. All voted in favor. Jan adjourned the meeting at 7:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Paula Curcio