Forest Lake Association
Annual Meeting
Saturday, July 20, 2024
West Cumberland United Methodist Church Hall
Upper Methodist Road – Cumberland
There will be a potluck breakfast starting around 8 a.m.
Please bring something to share if you can! Coffee and orange juice will be available.
Raffle tickets will be available for purchase. One free ticket just for attending!
Call to order at 8:30 AM
Greetings and Announcements: Jan
Introductions: An annual meeting tradition: Go around room and introduce self/family and connection to lake
Secretary Report: Paula
Treasurer Report: Ted
Water Quality Update: Janene and Paula
Plant Patrollers Presentation and Volunteer Information: Connor
Old Business:
Boating/Water Safety: Comments by Game Warden, Mike Pierre
New Business:
Election of trustees and officers: Ted
Meeting adjourned at _________
Raffle prize drawing will immediately follow adjournment.